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Supplementary teaching aids
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Main page / Textbook / Materials for lecturers / Supplementary teaching aids
Instructors ought to first acquaint themselves with the supplementary materials’ section available to students under the Student resources bookmark. For obvious reasons there is no need to reproduce such materials in the Teaching resources section, which will feature resources available to instructors. It will accessible after logging in to the ‘Instructors’ Club’ (working name) and an individual password will be prompted each time. As is the case with student resources, supplementary materials for instructors will be classified according to subject corresponding to the textbook units.

The basic types of supplementary materials (bookmarks on the left):

Info – teaching tips and practical advice pertaining to the specific subjects

Presentations – standard PowerPoint presentations to be used by instructors

Literature – interesting academic publications providing insight into a given field

Tests – sample tests and assignments to be used by instructors as course assessment basis or final exams.

Resources for instructors will be supplemented on a regular basis, and all suggestions of the Instructors’ Club members will be taken into account.