Purpose of the Program
Delivery of the Program

Warsaw - The Capital of Dynamic Business - a new program is lounched

Purpose of the Program

The main purpose of the support for lecturers in year 2009-2010 is to provide methodological help and financial support for academic institutions and lecturers, particularily those, who have no previous experience in delivering lectures within the area of Dynamic Entrepreneurship, in order to allow them to implement such course especially for students of exact scienses, agriculture, medicine etc. In the proces 20 lecturers of different academic institutions will be trained with lecturers of technical, agricultural and medical schools as a priority.

The training and consultancy program is a continutation of the "Training and consultancy for lecturers of academic institutions who deliver lectures on Dynamic Entrepreneurship" program run in 2007-2008 which was carried out within the "Promotion of Innovative Academic Entrepreneurship" iniciative. As effect of the program

  • 20 lecturers of non-economical academic institutions were trained to deliver pilot programs which involved 1250 students.
  • A meritoric base was created along with a development of infrastructure and organisational structure to continue our project. A modern handbook was produced: J. Cieślik "Dynamic Entrepreneurship. How to Start Your Own Business", Academic and Professional Publishing, Warsaw 2008 (2nd edition), addressed to students of academic institutions of all types including an original teaching method and a package of tools. A specialized web portal was launched which serves as a tool supporting the didactic process (additional materials, assignments, tests for studetns etc.) and includes a platform facilitating the exchange of experiences between lecturers of all types of academic institutions.

The numer of universities and lecturers participating in the program can be quickly increased through continuing the program of support which will decrease the gap between Polish academic institutions and the leading universities in the West. It will aslo allow lecturers of Innovative Entrepreneurship to join and international network of cooperation.